03 April, 2023

April Falls Month

April Falls Month

Annually we use the month of April to raise awareness on the impact of falls and increase community knowledge on how the risk of falling can be reduced.

Falls are the #1 cause of injury related' hospitalisation and death in Australia

The following video from our Senior Physiotherapist Scott, explains why fall prevention is so important, what are some of the intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors for falls, and what can be done to reduce your risk of falling.

But there are things that can be done to reduce your risk of falling! Including working on your strength and balance.

This years theme for April Falls Month: Better Balance for Fall Prevention. Check out our videos below where physiotherapists Scott and Jacob take us through what balance and strength focused sessions may look like.


Check out our video of physiotherapist Jacob taking Scott through exercises focusing on building his balance.


When it comes to falls prevention, building strength is just as important as focusing on balance. Check out our video of physiotherapist Scott taking Jacob through exercises focusing on building his strength.