Our Team

Emily M

Emily M

Occupational Therapist Brisbane

To share all that Emily has achieved would be an incredibly long list! 

Before joining Pacific Health & Wellbeing as an Allied Health Assistant, Emily worked in both childcare and as a support worker. It was these experiences that highlighted the various ways that individuals can access support from the NDIS and provided Emily with the background necessary to assist participants in achieving various goals.

With her experience as an Allied Health Assistant behind her, Emily is an enthusiastic and thoughtful qualified Occupational Therapist who believes strongly in a collaborative approach to therapy and ensuring that clients feel valued, safe and supported. Emily’s experience has seen her work with a variety of conditions, and along with her previous childcare work, has seen her develop a particular passion for paediatric therapy. In this space, Emily would like to assist families in implementing strategies to reach developmental milestones.

Emily’s passion for helping others is evident, not only in her career, but in her commitments outside of her job. Emily’s volunteer work has included Eddie’s Van, a service providing breakfast and conversation for those experiencing homelessness; Books4PNGKids, an organisation gathering donated books to fill schools, libraries and medical centres in PNG; Children’s Hospital Foundation, a team of volunteers working to bring joy to children who are in hospital; Brisbane Paralympic Football program, which assists children and adults to participate and enjoy soccer no matter their ability; and Brisbane Actioning Mercy, which aims to support school leavers to continue their volunteering experiences.

Recognising her dedication to others and the impact that this commitment to compassion has had in making lives better, in 2019, Emily received the Dr Lee-Anne Perry Leadership and Service Award. The team at Pacific Health & Wellbeing are incredibly proud of Emily for her achievement!

Emily is an incredibly dedicated member of her soccer team and has played for a few years. This dedication is reflected, not only outside of work, but also in her work with clients and her peers, and in her everyday life.