The amazing Annie first walked through the doors of Pacific Heath & Wellbeing in November 2020. At the time Annie was completing her first industry placement for her university degree. Having shown incredible commitment and thorough execution during her placement, Annie went on to receive an Award of Excellence for her work.
It wasn’t only the university that recognised Annie’s drive and passion but also Sarah R, our previous Clinical Services Manager, who offered Annie a position as an Allied Health Assistant (AHA) in 2021 while completing her last year of university.
And since then, we just haven’t been able to get rid of her! After graduating, Annie stayed with Pacific Health & Wellbeing as a full-time qualified occupational therapist serving the Brisbane region. Annie’s love of people, adults and children alike are at the core of who she is as an occupational therapist and as a person.
Always keen for a good time and adding a spark of creativity to everything she does, Annie particularly enjoys connecting with children. As such Annie ensures she facilitates therapy that is fun and is driven by the participant’s goals and motivations. She believes that for her participants to achieve their goals and live meaningful lives, it is important to have a family/carer-centered and holistic approach to therapy. Annie is an energetic and fun-loving OT that prioritises building strong foundations of trust and connection with her participants.